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The Ultimate Marketing Sign Guide 2022

Written by Collin Jones | Senior Display Consultant + Graphic Designer

Are you ready to discover a whole new world of marketing and trade show display items? These exciting exhibits represent the cream of the crop. Our inventory is filled with indoor, outdoor, and virtual public display items. Many come with the latest silicone edge graphics and are available for sale or for rental.

When it comes to trade show marketing, you’re always in good hands. We have all of the latest and best new exhibits. All of our materials are long lasting, durable, and backed with a full warranty of quality. Here is a quick resume of all of our top products going into the year 2022. Read on for the latest info.

Pop Up Displays

Our brand new pop up display units are here for our fans to check out. They are the perfect eye catching addition to liven up conferences and live events. We offer a pop up and retract system for easy installation and disassembly. Our designs can be ordered single or double sided. Each is backed with a full warranty of lifetime quality.

Bright LED Backlit Displays

Our new line of bright LED backlit display items are here to give a whole new look and feel to your next live event. You can order them in sizes ranging from 2.5 feet to 40 feet wide or 2.5 feet to 10 feet high. These particular models are designed solely for indoor use but are sure to catch the eyes of passersby.

Tension Fabric Displays

Our top rated fabric display items offer a whole new way to draw attention to your event show booth or physical location. These handy displays are made of durable fabric and can be ordered either single or double sided. They range in size from a 6 foot tabletop model to a full size 20 foot display. All items are fully warrantied.

Hanging Banners

Our hanging banner displays are guaranteed to add a splash of color to your display booth. They are made of the highest quality custom printed fabric. You can order them in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They can be ordered either single or double sided. Our hanging banners come with a carry case and installation kit with cables.

Custom Table Covers

Our new line of table covers are the perfect addition to your next display booth installation. They can help to brand your merch table in an exciting manner. These table covers come with a full warranty. They can be ordered in sizes ranging from 4 feet to 6 feet to 8 feet. You can order them with any kind of color or graphic.

Trade Show Counters

Our new line of counters is already being hailed as the future of custom large space displays. When it comes to convenience and portability, these new models can’t be beat. They can be ordered in tension fabric, pop up, case to podium, and SEG backlit styles. They come with a high quality frame and carrying bag.

Trade Show Kits

Our new line of kits is a real step forward in both convenience and quality. These handy kits will take the time, effort, and guesswork out of assembling your next display. They are designed to contain all of the elements you need to assemble or disassemble your display. Best of all, they are cost effective and backed with a full warranty.

5 New Products for 2022

You should also be aware that we will soon have plenty of new products available for purchase in 2022. These include some of the most exciting marketing and trade show items we have ever been privileged to create. They represent the new state of the art when it comes to trade show displays. Read on for more info.

Scalable Modular Displays

2022 will see the debut of a whole new line of fully modular displays. We have received thousands of inquiries from customers expressing their need for a display unit that is modular to a whole new degree. Our new line of units will allow you to fully scale your display to fit your show booth or in-store space.

Custom Large Space Exhibits

We also have a new line of fully customized large space exhibits that will spice up your marketing display. These new large space models will come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors. They feature a uniquely lightweight and portable design. Check back with us in the near future to get all the details.

Double Decker Exhibits

If you really want to go all out to impress your live event guests, you’ll need to install one of our amazing new double decker exhibit models. These new display units are double the size of a regular display. You can set them inside your booth or store to highlight all of your latest and top selling arrivals.

Trade Show Display Rental

We understand that you may not have the financial means or the desire to buy a display item on a permanent basis. It may be a better fit for your needs to rent items as needed. You may have a very specific event coming up that requires a few handy items. We will be offering a series of great deals on rentals in 2022.

Silicone Edge Graphics

Silicone edge graphics are the new standard for display items of all types. We will be unveiling a new line of them in 2022. These items will come with custom hardware that will allow you to mount them in a variety of styles. These include wall mounted, freestanding, double sided, or straight down from the ceiling.

Contact Us for More Details

If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with us. We welcome all inquiries concerning our full line of display items and other products. Let us know what you need and we will be happy to fulfill your request.