Lush Banner Blog

Custom Printed UPS & FedEx Outdoor banners

Written by Collin Jones | Senior Display Consultant + Graphic Designer

Feather banner is the most efficient way small businesses use signs in their marketing. This method is popular because you can view them from a distance and they can be easily displayed in places where traffic is high. This information is to give you some important tips to ensure that if you decide to include feather banners in your marketing, you do so with success

When it comes to feather banners, there are several choices: 8ft banners, 13ft banners, 17ft and so on. A 17ft is a huge version of the feather banner giving it incredible impact close-up. It also makes the text and graphics visible from a greater distance, so they work well along roads where the viewer isn’t near the business enough to read anything that requires close attention. The messages that appear on these banners – whether they signify the identity of the business or the description of the products – are just as legitimate as a message on the business’s brochure. And they are often a lot easier and cheaper to make.

Most marketers need to know about taking full advantage of the many options for banner advertising. The most obvious one – the full sized feather banner beside a busy road. It would be great if you want to target drivers with a daily message that you get enough sales to justify the cost of those banners. As in print or website advertising, the costs of feather banners vary based on both ad size and design. A smart business owner can find good locations to place them that give a bigger bang for the buck. If you, as an owner of a business, care enough to shop around for the most efficient banner, you can get it that a higher percentage of potential customers read more slowly and carefully.

Custom feather banners come in various shapes, in different colors and free base, and most of them have warranties, great durability and UV protection. They are seen in many forms around – ‘UPS’ feather banners, ‘FedEx’ feather flags and so on. You can blow up a photo of your product or service, a logo of your business or any other artwork as big as the banner can handle. You can even apply the same design to multiple banners and have them neatly arranged outside the business. With custom feather banners similar to ‘UPS’ feather banners or ‘FedEx’ feather flags, you get the same amount of advertising as with a TV ad but without looking too pushy.