• Resolutions Supported: 1080p HD / 1440p QHD / 4K UHD
  • Formats: JPEG / PNG / Source File PDF
  • Turnaround Time: 1-3 Business Days

Price Calculator

16:9 (Full HD/4K TV & PC Monitors)
16:10 (Workstation Monitors)
4:3 (iPad/Tablets)
3:2 (Digital Cameras)
Subtotal $299.00

Estimated Delivery Date: 01 Apr, 2025

Estimated Total $299.00

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Custom Digital Backdrops

Custom Backdrops for Virtual Meetings

With business meetings transitioning to virtual more and more every day, you’ll want to look professional when attending. No matter your profession, Lush Banners can create a Custom Digital Backdrop for your application whether that is a companywide logo based background or a specialized backdrop in-line with your personal branding we can create it.

While it is easy to get Free Digital Backdrops, get the upper hand by having your own Personalized Digital Backdrop that suit your brand or company. These digital backgrounds can be used for more than just conference calls as the design is up to you. So if you are a student, teacher, or digital creator with an idea, our designers will work with you on getting the right design custom tailored to you. Our professional designers are here to help you personalize it the way you want it. Having an eye-catching background is vital to grabbing the viewer’s attention and expressing your personality or brand beyond what a basic background would do.

Package Price Includes:

Layout and Design using Customer Provided Assets and Images. Our team of professional designers will can create backdrop designs that will suit your current company branding. 1-3 Business Days Turnaround time for the first initial draft.

Additional Services:

  • Logo Rescue Service - Enhance your existing logo to a higher-resolution
  • Graphic Design Service - Build your visual branding from the ground up with help from our designers

Backdrop Aspect Ratio & Resolutions Guidelines

Aspect Ratios are the ratio of the width to the height of an image or screen. Depending on your setup and video device, it is best to select the appropriate Aspect Ratio to maximize the potential of your custom backdrop design. We will design the according to your desired aspect ratio at any resolution you need.

Popular Aspect Ratio Selections:

  • 16:9 - The most widely used ratio, it is the standard for Full HD (1080p) to UHD 4K resolutions. Most computer monitors, laptops and TV's use this aspect ratio.
  • 16:10 - A popular ratio used for many productivity-oriented displays, most workstation set-ups use 16:10 for the increased vertical real estate great for most workflows
  • 4:3 - Portable devices such as iPad/tablets and smart phones will have video conferecing apps capturing as 4:3. It is perfect for framing people as it fills out a person's face more efficiently with less empty space.
  • 3:2 - This ratio is gaining popularity as Digital Cameras will have this as the default setting, if you plan on using Digital Cameras as your capture device, having your backdrop designed in this ratio is a good fit.

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